"First, you shouId find out what is the essentiaI nature of the universe."
"That's aquamarine, that's bIue-green and that's aIgae. At the atomic IeveI, there's no such thing as coIour. Though they did do that studyin BeIgium, or was it Denmark...
- BabbIing.- BabbIing!
The point was... What was the point? Since protons are so much smaIIer than Iight waves... AIgae, thank you. Since protons are smaIIer than Iight waves, how couId they ever see it to begin with? Oh, James! Or is there a fundamentaI order underIying aII things?"
" - We're wasting time! Serve aIready! -That's ridicuIous! How can you waste somethingthat doesn't exist? Time doesn't exist? Since when? I wouIdn't know. If time doesn't exist, then there is no ''when''. You hear, Liebknecht? Another crazy theory. Then teII me the correct time, now. You see, you can't. Because as you're teIIing me, the future has become the past, therefore there is no present, therefore time doesn't exist! Perhaps. Oops!"
"So, young man.Do you think time exists? Time? I was just reading about it in Future Science magazine. - TeII us. - There are these twins... One takes a journey in a spacecraft, at the speed of Iight, and the other one stays on earth. The twin that traveIs into space comes back years Iater, and he's young. And the one who stayed on earth, by this time, is very oId. So, which one do you think is happier? - The young one.- Ja. - No, the one that stayed behind. - Why? Because he's had a fuII Iife, he's had experiences in Iove and pain. He has a famiIy and friends. And the one who Ieft, weII... - Time has just passed. - Ja. This is good, no?"
"- ''Wahoo!''? - When did he Iast go ''Wahoo!''? - I'm sure I don't know. - When did you Iast go ''Wahoo!''? - I'm sure I don't know."
"TeII me, do you think they'II ever find inteIIigent Iife anywhere in the universe? StiII Iooking for inteIIigent Iifehere on earth."
"We squeeze the brain a IittIe to make room for the heart."
"Maybe accidents are part of the grand design. If you cause the accident, then it is not an accident. The troubIe with accidents is you can't predict the outcome."
"Everything affects everything."