Wednesday, September 07, 2005

O Allah protect our youth
And guide them O Allah, on every path of goodness
And grant them sanctuary in your compassionate Care and Mercy,
O Lord of the worlds
And distance from them all causes of sorrow and grief
O Allah strengthen and empower them and instill in them a natural inclination towards everything that is beneficial
And guide them to the most noble of conduct in all their affairs
So they may rise up as worthy leaders
For indeed in them lies our hope for the future and our aspirations for reconstruction
So we beseech Thee O Allah to realize our dreams,

We express our solidarity with the innocent victims of the attacks send our heartfelt prayers and condolences with their families.
We pray for the defeat of extremism and terrorism.
We pray for the safety and security of all inhabitants of this globe, the victims of the terrorist actions in London and the suffering masses of Iraq, Palestine, and elsewhere in the world, wherever they may be and whether they may be Muslim or non-Muslim.

We pray that wisdom will guide world leadership at this time.
May Allah grant us the strength as a world community to live through this tragic moment in history with dignity and compassion

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