You know how you wake up sometimes with a certain rhythm playing through your mind or words floating along? Well, I’ve been up with these almost every morning now.. Yesterday, I woke up with “Aljanatu haq, wannaru haq” on my mind! I woke up saying it!!!!!!!!! And today, I woke up with daddy’s comforting voice singing to my heart the beautiful egyptian lullaby: “baba habeeby Allah yekhalih, yetawil omro we (dunno what :$ ), gably aroosa we akhooya hosan, shee ya hosan, orosy ya aroosa orosy ya aroosa..” :)
I still remember my doll in her beautiful big pink gown dancing round & round.. I really don’t know where it went! Babaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :’(
And yeah, I’ve been quite down for the past few days, no; weeks, & something really really cute made me happy from the inside out.. Bro (a year & a half younger than me, but I always feel that he’s older.. I throw everything difficult on him & he just magically makes it a whole lot easier!) stood in the house, on top of the stairs & said in the loudest voice, & in the most beautiful arabic accent: The prophet salla Allahu 'alaihy wa sallam said: “Indeed amazing are the affairs of a believer! They are all for his benefit. If he is granted ease of living he is thankful; and this is best for him. And if he is afflicted with a hardship, he perseveres; and this is best or him.”.. I couldn’t but run upstairs & squash him reeeeeeeeal hard! Thank you bro! I love you <3
If you noticed, rasulu Allah salla Allahu 'alaihy wasallam didn't say the affairs of a 'muslim', he said of a 'believer'.. May we be amongst the believers.. Amen.
This will be my prayer for this Ramadan; being amongst the believers.. Wait a minute, did I say Ramadan? Ramadan as in Ramadan? Like I lived another year & will be blessed inshaAllah to live another brand new Ramadan & meet with that night, the one worth a thousand nights? What?
** Ramadan kareem, mubarak, happy & accepted everyone :D **
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~** And my invitation is still on **
P.S. This is for arabs, I wish there was an english version to it..