Sunday, May 01, 2005

Life is the most luminous, the most beautiful of the miracles of Dominical Power. It is the most powerful and most brilliant of the proofs of Divine Unity, remember who you are and discover an inner peace, optimal health, and successful relationships.


Anonymous said...

penal coge separato sperote non mas separate per una volte longe, tan tounge tan belleaa tan carina tan nella mia braccia cyempresa alla mio peches e con migo invece conmigo~contigo connectatto cyempressa mia alla tua peches e mio indentato mie e colle caverna alla tuoi peches-mies donde stan againstem, tan wound up nos legs nos braccias tan hugs cyempressa mia tan dolce a me,

sara said...


Small Blue Thing said...

It seems to be an English-Romanian mix, as Spanglish is an English-Spanish mix.

I've reading about Master Fethullah Gulen and I find so beautiful his teachings. They talk to me about Islam as Spanish Middle Age Poet Ibn Al Arabi _born in Sevilla :) said in his time. has a good synopse about Buddhism _but it's very influenced for Tibetan Buddhism, really close to Christianism. Most of buddhist don't believe in reincarnation _any idea of life after Earth Death is simply too much complicated for most of us, we only try to live compassionate to others... and that's a great life challenge!

Blue Thing